**astro-toast** is a simple component for displaying toasts on your website.
**astro-toast** is a simple component for displaying toasts on your website.
> Privacy-friendly drop-in replacement for Google Fonts by Bunny CDN
**astro-toast** is a simple library for displaying toasts on your website.
Astro component for static rendering of commands. This allows you build components in any language.
See project documentation.
Astro UnoCSS Integration
Support contextual editing with TinaCMS in static Astro sites.
An Image Component for Astro. Works With SSR.
An astro integration to generate static Open Graph images, at build time
🦔 Minimal Critters integration for astro.js
A collection of layout primitives used as building blocks for common layout patterns.
Embed GitHub stats on your Astro page ✨
A pure css and html modal component for Astro
Express-like framework for Astro Endpoints
See project documentation.
This is a template for an Astro component library. Use this template for writing components to use in multiple projects or publish to NPM.
Astro integration and utilities to help you generate OpenGraph images using satori.
Beautiful code blocks for your astro site
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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